It's out!

The Sham was released last week, on the 5th. So far I’ve had a signing at Below the Brine bookshop in Harwichport and last weekend we celebrated the launch at Cape Cod Lavender Farm, which was so beautiful. Amid all of this came the start of school, and a new school for Nolan, so things have been HECTIC. I’m with a small press, so a lot of the marketing falls to me, and this, too, is time-consuming and not quite my favorite thing to spend my time doing. I’d rather just sit and write. However, thank you to everyone who’s shared the book, bought the book, and reviewed the book so far, it takes a little of the load off me from essentially shouting on Instagram and Facebook look at meeeeee look at my bookkkkk please buy my boooook. Ha.

With that said, here I go again: If you are so inclined, please please leave reviews on Goodreads and Amazon, it helps immensely. And, if you want a complimentary PDF version of the book, you can sign up to review it through a service called Booksprout.

Ok enough of that, just here to say it’s out in the world and I’ thankful for all the support - from selecting it for your book clubs to sending me pics of your dog reading the book, all of it!!


